Sunday 22 June 2008

Stand Up For Kids - Manhattan

I have just been made Director of Training and Volunteer Services at a non-profit organisation called Stand Up for Kids. The organisation works with the homeless youth of New York City. It is a very exciting opportunity for me as we are setting up the program from nothing. It is run by volunteers so at present we are meeting once a week to get things up and running. I will be responsible for finding the people who are going to go out on to the streets, find the kids, find out what they need and help them. We will need outreach workers, medical practitioners, counsellors, drug and alcohol addiction consultants, cooks, security guards.... the list is endless. I think our end goal is to set up a shelter for young people - somewhere for them to stay and be cared for whilst we sort out a permanent solution. I will also be heavily involved in the training of the volunteers. It is a big task, but I am excited.

I will keep you posted on the organisation's developments. We are at the very early stages.

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